Procedures When Starting A Design
Start the creative process by experimenting, first start with the goal. Write the goal down and keep it in front of you through out the creative process, then start the research, use the library or the Internet to gather photographs and information related to the subject and goal. Another way is to keep a resource book or folder that contains a collection of art reproductions, illustrations, photographs, advertisements and graphics for ideas and inspiration but not to copy, only for reference purposes with a wide ranch of subject matter, then proceed to your thumbnail sketches which are small, quick and rough drawings of your ideas, the more thumbnail sketches, the more your ideas develop toward reaching the goal, after twenty to thirty thumbnail sketches, choose your 3 best thumbnail sketches and turn them into rough drafts, then choose your best rough draft and turn it in the real thing or what is called a comprehensive design. Your comp design will be the closest to the finished product which mean the type, illustrations, paper stock and layout must represent the mock-up or the finished printed piece, also the comp design represent you and your work so it should be neat and clean as well as accurate.